“That language is inappropriate,” Mr Frydenberg told ABC radio. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg declined to back in Deves’ continuing candidacy when asked this morning if the Liberal party should dump her, while condemning her “inappropriate” references to the Holocaust.
I put my hand up and if I backed down what sort of a message would that send?” We need to have more women in parliament, more women in government. “I’ve said that you need to have the courage of your convictions. Ms Deves said she had told her daughters she needed to keep fighting. “I wouldn’t have stood up if I didn’t believe I had a chance to win.” “It is my campaign and I have been out there everyday talking to ordinary people,’’ she said. “Are you running your campaign? Are you having other people run your campaign.
“We’ve been trying to get you in the studio for a number of weeks and Liberal Party HQ keeps on stepping in and blocking you,’’ Fordham said. Picture: Salty Dingo/Kennedy Awards/FacebookĪsked if she could win the seat, Ms Deves said she was confident and believed she had a fighting chance. Ms Deves is pictured above at the 2021 Kennedy Awards for Excellence in Journalism.